Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, has received a lot of attention from the media in the past decade. Without much initial research, speculation ensued during the inception of this disorder. For instance, one controversial theory applied to the disappearance of honey bees was attributed to the use of cell phones. Another was rapture, as in the second coming of Christ, Armageddon, Judgement day. Terrorists have also been blamed for CCD, as well as communist Russia. These theories have all been disproved, and a vast amount of in depth research has been conducted to find out what has been causing Colony Collapse Disorder. In fact, research has shown that Colony Collapse disorder is caused by multiple factors. These include nutritional stress, environmental contamination, and pathogens.
To learn more about Colony Collapse Disorder click on the link to the Environmental Protection Agency website.
You might also be interested in watching Colony Collapse Disorder by Dave Tarpy on YouTube. David Tarpy is a professor of entomology at NC State University.